Wednesday, March 4, 2015


You know, there's a strange question that bounces in my head. After watching Disney's Hercules once more, I asked myself something I don't think I've ever asked before:

"Is there a limit to what we should do to create our dreams? Should there be?"

Considering the effort we must put in; the wishes, the hopes, the time, and the struggles; how far are we willing to go? And if we're really willing to "Go the Distance", is that a bad thing? It's always great to have dreams, but can they affect someone in a negative way? Before we can truly answer my question, perhaps we should know what these Dreams require.

To accomplish one's dream, it requires time, the stuff that life is made of. If we want to do anything in life, we are required to spend time on it. I mean, I can't go make myself a sandwich without the flow of time, right? ...Sandwiches... 

*Cough* Anyway, we need to spend time to do things. It's a necessity of life that you spend your time efficiently and use it to make something out of nothing. Life isn't always easy in that aspect. You need to spend it evenly between time at work and time at play. When the word "Spend" is said, however, the natural thought is that it can be hoarded, locked away for some rainy morning or when in need. Trust me, I wish it were possible to hoard free time. I mean, I'm a serious hoarder. If I get chocolate, I stash it away to some secret place for a time when I need it. Such as Finals, when I'm seriously in need. If I could hoard time, then I would just swallow the frog, and take the harsh with the Good, saving a Summer Vacation just in case I need to take a couple days off of schooling.

However, the problem with life is that you can't stash it for later. Time comes, and time goes. You can't tell the sun to stop. You can't tell the Earth to stand still. It's just not possible.

So, where am I going with this, and what does it have to do with dreams?

To make a dream come true, it's Time that's the key. Time, and lots of hard work. Too often, we spend too much or too little time trying to accomplish our dreams, and we hurt others and desensitize ourselves in the process. I mean, look at Hercules. He was a great man! He was a hero with the strength to break a mountain in half, to run a thousand miles, and to lift a giant boulder! He had it all: the looks, the might, and the charisma. However, being a hero is a full time job. As a hero and an idol, he never got downtime. He probably didn't get much time to share with his family. There was a period where he wasn't quite satisfied with everything he had before he finally threw down a Lion-skin screaming "What's the point?!?" He was no closer to accomplishing his dream then he was originally, despite spending countless hours training for combat and fighting. What happened with his Dream?

It's possible to spend too much time on a Dream, or to spend too much time on something in general. You often feel exhausted, or like you're trying to tread on water. Nothing seems to work, and you feel like you're going nowhere. At times like this, take a break! Enjoy some time with those you love, and then come on back. When you've rejuvenated, you'll come back swinging, ready to hit the ground running, and to hit it hard.

It is just as possible to spend not enough time on a dream as too much of it. Have you heard of that one guy who gave up his dreams? No? Exactly. When we spend too much time on the fly, enjoying borrowed time, our Dream is no more than wishful thinking, and, well, that never helped anyone. It's kind of like a shadow without an owner; pretty sad, actually. If we waste our time on complete and utter entertainment, are we really living? The Declaration of Independence states that we are all entitled to "Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness." Isn't "Happiness", spending time with those you love, having fun after a long day's work, and making a dream a reality?

Free time is great! Free time is fun. However, isn't too much of anything (Including Potatoes ;-; ) bad? I can get mad skills at Halo, but am I really doing anything productive? Am I honing the skills I want? Am I fulfilling my dream?

In the end, there's a perfect balance between not enough and too much time spent upon a Dream. Being overworked demotivates you; so does being under-worked. When you're energy is completely spent, it's all gone; yet, when there's nothing is required, nothing is gained.

So, I would recommend that, if you've got some crazy dream like me, you go out and do something about it. Make it your biggest goal and watch it become your reality. I wouldn't recommend making it your only priority, though. I mean, there's still education, friends, family, to some a Religion, homework, school, books, sleep, recuperation, work, and a billion different things on your plate! If you always put your Dream before all of those, I can almost guarantee you'll lead an unhappy life. (Especially if you ignore your family. That's where the feuds from Romeo and Juliet and all those other classic feuds come from. It's the Truth.Uh huh. If I lie, then may Lightning... Erm, never mind. )

Finding the correct balance between too much time and not enough is quite difficult. I mean, we juggle so much in life that we don't have time to pin-point how much time we spend on something. However, I can promise you that, once you find it, you'll notice life will be so much more enjoyable. After all, "A Happy wife, is a happy life!" 

.....Nailed it.

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